Man Made Disasters

A handy collection of free Pdf's, Docs, Epubs. Books & Kindles on the Prepping & Survival topic of
[Man Made Disasters]. All are free to download or read on-line and can by accessed by  my google drive link below the list of publications

  1. 11 Steps To Nuclear Survival
  2. ABC's Of NBC Warfare Survival [Guide]
  3. Avoiding Electromagnetic Pulse Damage
  4. Biological Threat Guide
  5. Biological Warfare FAQ
  6. Chemical Biological Radiological Incident Handbook
  7. Chemical Emergencies
  8. Chemical Emergency
  9. Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program
  10. Civil Defence Radiological Monitering
  11. Civil Defense Radiation Detection Survey Meters
  12. Colective Protection Against NBC Effects For Civilians
  13. Company Primer on Preparedness and Response Planning for Terrorist and Bioterrorist Attacks
  14. Effects Of Nuclear War
  15. Effects Of Nuclear Weapons
  16. Electromagnetic Pulse Guide
  17. Electromagnetic Pulse Protection For Facilities
  18. Emergency Responce To Terrorism
  19. Fallout Shelter Management
  20. Hazardous Materials Citizens Orientation [FEMA]
  21. Maintaining Public Authority In The Event Of Nuclear Attack
  22. NBC Attack - Air Force Manual
  23. Nuclear Biological & Chemical [NBC] [Guide]
  24. Nuclear Civil Protection Planning
  25. Nuclear Power Plant Emergency
  26. Nuclear Terrorism
  27. Nuclear War Survival Skills 
  28. Nuclear War Survival Skills [1987 Guide]
  29. Nuclear Weapons Effects
  30. Nuclear Weapons Effects [Handbook]
  31. Preparedness Planning For a Nuclear Crisis [FEMA]
  32. Protection In The Nuclear Age
  33. Psychological Effects Of Atomic Bombing
  34. Radiation Safety In Shelters
  35. Radiological Accidents
  36. Radiological Defense Officers Course Manual
  37. Radiological Emergency Management
  38. Radiological Emergency Response [Independent Study]
  39. Recovery From Nuclear Attack [FEMA-160]
  40. Summaries Of Soviet Civil Defense Research Reports [FEMA RR-27]
  41. Survival Under Atomic Attack
  42. Surviving A Terrorist Nuclear Attack
  43. Using Radiological Instruments
  44. What T o Do If A Nuclear Disaster Is Imminent
  45. Worldwide Effects Of Nuclear War

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